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tv   [untitled]    November 23, 2010 11:30am-12:00pm PST

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your memory is about the three functional areas that you chartered in the audit, these are the three. they are important for a couple of reasons. one, we want to focus very much on the questions and issues that you presented to us. we have also had some differences with mta in terms of setting up meetings and perhaps trying to limit the scope of the meetings and the coverage we can do with any individual to a preselected items on this list. we do not consider these three areas -- they are interlinked.
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they're not stand alone. that is an artificial kind of separation. one of the first tasks that we had was to focus the audit on particular areas of interest. that cost us to make these items in scope. when we had our entrancts conference, we wanted to make sure we had but central subway project included. one of the other themes that we heard in the meeting is getting value for money. finding other ways to be more efficient, other than cutting
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budget costs. here is our task structure. we've provided our first deliverable, which i believe came to you electronically. it was an initial assessment. that was deliverable on october 29. we are probably going to be late because of noise we had including access to mta staff. commissioner mirkarimi: what was the reason? >> because of problems in getting access to the staffs at mta. we had a window of interviews. and the reason has to do with
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conditions that i mentioned before about which topics we would be limited to, and also to have questions in advance that we would be asking during those interviews. we escalated this issue to supervisor campos' office and we are in the process of getting resolution. anyway, we think this will probably have an impact on our schedule of up to four weeks. we will try to keep the process moving as quickly as we can, of course, but we have lots of time. moving on into some of the
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components of the audit, one key feature is what we call referenced projects. a reference project is a way to go back and look at specific projects, how they were initiated, and what the budget was at the point, and what happened during the execution of the process. it is like an auditor might sample accounts. one of the three criteria here -- only one of the criteria has to be met.
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our analysis and documentation has three fundamental components. the first component is how mta defines a process now. that is something that can be gleaned from written procedures. in the absence of a written procedure, there may be a presentation, so how they say they do it. the second component is best practice. best practice is our opinion. it comes from sources like the institute for asset management and other sources. the third one, and this is where the referenced project comes in, this is what the current practice is. is there evidence that the written procedure is being
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followed? the audit report organization will be in this format. we will have three sections. the first is called enablers and controls. we do not call it that. it is the infrastructure or the environment in which the products are carried out. it would be like what a road is to an automobile. a road enables an automobile to travel from place to place. the second component is porfolio and program management.
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that means selecting the right projects, the process you go through all the time. setting priorities, how that is done, and how it compares with the best practices. the third component is the project itself, and that is during the construction, and during the purchase, or during the rehab and how that is carried out. are there any questions? commissioner mirkarimi: just one, and i think commissioner campos might want to underscore this as well. i take it that this audit will
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only be as effective as we hope based on the collaboration of mta to provide you access to information. in your experience, if you have not received that kind of access, what has generally been your standard practice in dealing with these type of situations? >> well, the value of the whole effort will be enhanced by their efforts. your spot on with that observation. some adversarial audits will be paper based. you do not have the insight that you get from these people. they may not review the preliminary findings and documentation that you want to provide to them. that makes it richer. that makes it less susceptible to criticism later by the agency
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after you have published your findings. they have a sense, perhaps, of participation in it. and no surprises. no surprises. unfettered access is vital. commissioner mirkarimi: commissioner campos. commissioner campos: thank you, mr. chairman. i'm confident that we will be able to work collaborative with the mta. i have a meeting with the executive director to talk about issues with respect to access to the information. i'm confident we will be able to do that. the second thing, a quick question for the auditors. i just want to make sure, in terms of the budget, if you see yourselves staying within the budget that has been
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allocated. we want to make sure we are as close to the budget as possible. commissioner mirkarimi: it is the holidays. be careful. >> we respect that concern. the flow chart showed everything in a sequence. we are doing things in parallel. there's a lot of behind-the- scenes work. we dial thback our billing rates to do everything we can to stay within the budget. we take pride, in general, and not going back for additional funds, unless there is mutually agreed to changes. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. thank you, commissioner campos
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, for your focus on this. i want to emphasize one point that i think will be helpful for all of us. that is some sort of early warning system that provides us a heads up. especially with the holiday schedules in the next few months and the fluctuations in government, that we are provided as much early notice so that if access to information is not a fluid that we know. the last thing we want is to eat up the clock or the contract of cgr and then discover at the end of the contract that we did not intervene when we needed to. >> we would appreciate that. we would like to thank commissioner campos for his rapid interventionç. commissioner mirkarimi: good. appreciate that. good work.
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colleagues, any comments or questions for our consultants? seeing none, thank you. you may have a seat. we appreciate the introduction. any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. this is an information item. madam clark, please read item 6. >> authorized the executive director to execute all master agreements, program supplemental agreements, fund exchange amendments, between the authority and the california department of transportation for receipt of federal and state funds. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: very good. any comment from seeing none staffseeing -- seeing none, public comment. public comment is closed. we take this -- we did not do
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roll-call. [roll-call vote] the item passes. commissioner mirkarimi: items seven, please. >> reappoint fran martin to the citizens advisory committee of san francisco county transportation authority for two year. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: we take this without objection. congratulations. item eight.
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commissioner mirkarimi: public comment is closed. we did this without objection. next item. >> allocate $460 in prop k funds with conditions to san francisco municipal transportation agency for two projects. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: any discussion on this item? erikseeing none, public comment. public comment is closed. item 10, please.
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commissioner mirkarimi: i just had a quick question to staff on this. the reach of our authority on the climate initiatives program -- can you just explain that a little bit in terms of how that would garner, and what that might garner in terms of grants? >>-understanding is that this is part of the delegation process. this is an opportunity for us to essentially show local support for the climate initiatives grant program so we can continue to advocate for the program in various capacities.
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the resolution provides a little bit more detail on that on page 87. commissioner mirkarimi: i'm looking at that. >> we also need that resolution in place in order to accept grants under the program. commissioner mirkarimi: ok. any discussion on this? seeing none, public comment? public comment is closed. we take this without objection. introduction of new items. i'm sorry. next item. >> in the 11th, ethics annual compensation for the executive director for the period of january 1 through december 31. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: this was handled by the personnel committee. any public comment? take this without objection, colleagues? so moved. i'm sorry. i did not see you. thank you. please take roll-call.
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>> [roll-call vote] commissioner mirkarimi: aye. >> the item passes. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. >> item 12. introduction of new items. this is an information item. commissioner mirkarimi: any information on new items? seeing none, public comment. public comment is closed. >> item 13, public comments. commissioner mirkarimi: one last chance for public comment. public comment is closed.
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>> item 14, adjournment. commissioner mirkarimi: meeting is adjourned. thank you.
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>> i have 2 job titles. i'm manager of the tour program as well as i am the historyian of city hall. this building is multifaceted to say the very least it's a municipal building that operates the city and county of san francisco. this building was a dream that became a reality of a man by the name of james junior elected mayor of san francisco in 1912. he didn't have a city hall because it was destroyed in the earth wake of 1906. construction began in april of 1913. in december 1915, the building was complete. it opened it's doors in january
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1916. >> it's a wonderful experience to come to a building built like this. the building is built as a palace. not for a king or queen. it's built for all people. this building is beautiful art. those are architecture at the time when city hall was built, san francisco had an enormous french population. therefore building a palace in the art tradition is not unusual. >> jimmie was an incredible individual he knew that san francisco had to regain it's place in the world. he decided to have the tallest dome built in the united states.
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it's now stands 307 feet 6 inches from the ground 40 feet taller than the united states capital. >> you could spend days going around the building and finding something new. the embellishment, the carvings, it represents commerce, navigation, all of the things that san francisco is famous for. >> the wood you see in the board of supervisor's chambers is oak and all hand carved on site. interesting thing about the oak is there isn't anymore in the entire world. the floors in china was cleard
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and never replanted. if you look up at the seceiling you would believe that's hand kof carved out of wood and it is a cast plaster sealing and the only spanish design in an arts building. there are no records about how many people worked on this building. the workman who worked on this building did not all speak the same language. and what happened was the person working next to the other person respected a skill a skill that was so wonderful that we have this masterpiece to show the world today.
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>> i have been a cable car grip for 21 years. i am a third generation. my grand farther and my dad worked over in green division for 27. i guess you could say it's
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blood. >> come on in. have a seat. hold on. i like it because i am standing up. i am outside without a roof over my head and i see all kinds of people. >> you catch up to people you know from the past. you know. went to school with. people that you work with at other jobs. military or something. kind of weird. it's a small word, you be. like i said, what do people do when they come to san francisco? they ride a cable car. >> california line starts in the financial district. people are coming down knobbhill. the cable car picks people up. takes them to work. >> there still is no other
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device to conquer these hills better than a cable car. nobody wanted to live up here because you had to climb up here. with the invention of the cable car, these hills became accessible. he watched horses be dragged to death. cable cars were invent in san francisco to solve the problem with it's unique, vertically challenged terrain. we are still using cars a century old >> the old cable car is the most unique thing, it's still going. it was a good design by then and is still now.
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if we don't do something now. it's going to be worse later. >> the cable cars are built the same as they were in the late 1800's. we use a modern machinery. we haven't changed a thing. it's just how we get there. >> it's a time consuming job. we go for the quality rather than the production. we take pride in our work and it shows in the end product. >> the california line is mostly locals. the commuters in the morning, i see a lot of the same people. we don't have as tourists.
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we are coming up to street to chinatown. since 1957, we are the only city in the world that runs cable cars. these cars right here are part of national parks system. in the early 1960's, they became the first roles monument. the way city spread changed with the invention of the cable car. >> people know in san fr